Wednesday, March 30, 2011

K.I.D.S. at Kingman Island!

Yesterday, K.I.D.S. at St. Francis Xavier visited Kingman Island for a service learning project. Students learned about runoff, different causes of pollution, and wandered Kingman Island collecting trash polluting the island! Check out the pics below.

Monday, March 21, 2011

K.I.D.S. trek through Virginia's Luray Caverns!

This Saturday, K.I.D.S. from St.Francis Xavier and Fort Dupont Ice Arena joined forces and toured the extraordinary Luray Caverns, in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley! Students spent the day touring through the nearly mile and a half long caverns, visiting The Car Museum, and ending the day with the mysterious Garden Maze. Below are photos from the field trip!

Ice Skating Field Trip!

On Wednesday March 16th, K.I.D.S. visited Fort Dupont Ice Arena for an ice skating field trip. Students spent time learning technique and then practiced their moves on the ice! Here are several photographs from the event.